Domestic Violence: Empowering Women & Maintenance Provisions

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a grave issue affecting countless women worldwide, transcending boundaries of age, class, and culture. In India, a significant step towards addressing this problem occurred with the enactment of the “Protection of Women against D V Act, 2005.” This legislation aimed to safeguard the rights and well-being of women subjected to domestic violence and offered them legal recourse to seek protection, residence, and financial support. In this post, we will explore the key provisions of the D V Act, with a focus on the aspect of maintenance for aggrieved women.

Understanding the Domestic Violence Act:

The Act comprehensively defines domestic violence to encompass physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, or economic abuse. It recognizes that violence isn’t limited to physical harm and includes controlling behavior that deprives women of their basic rights.

Protection Orders Under Domestic Violence Act:

The Act empowers women to seek protection orders from the court, restraining the abuser from committing any act of domestic violence. These orders also prevent the respondent from contacting the victim or disposing of shared assets without permission.

Residence Orders:

One of the essential aspects of the Act is the provision for residence orders. These orders ensure that the aggrieved woman can reside in the shared household, regardless of her legal rights or interests in the property. The Act acknowledges that Family violence should not force any woman out of her home.

Monetary Reliefs:

The Act also addresses the financial aspect of domestic violence. It permits women to claim financial relief, including medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and child and self-maintenance.

Custody Orders:

In cases involving children, the Act allows the court to grant temporary custody to the aggrieved woman & outlines visitation arrangements. This ensures that the child’s safety and well-being are considered.

Compensation Orders:

Apart from monetary reliefs, the Act permits women to seek compensation & damages for the physical and emotional distress caused by domestic violence.

Duration and Alteration of Orders:

Protection and residence orders remain in force until the aggrieved person applies for their discharge. The Act allows for alterations or modifications in orders if circumstances change.

Jurisdiction and Procedure under Domestic Violence Act:

The Act specifies the competent courts for granting protection orders and, in addition, emphasizes the use of the Code of Criminal Procedure for proceedings. Additionally, it ensures the enforceability of the Act’s provisions throughout India.


The Act provides for an appeal process, allowing parties dissatisfied with the Magistrate’s order to approach the Court of Session.

Maintenance under the Domestic Violence Act:

One of the crucial elements of the D V Act is moreover, the provision for maintenance. Specifically, maintenance, in this context, refers to financial support provided by the respondent (the person committing the violence) to the aggrieved woman and, if applicable, her children. The Act recognizes that many women are economically dependent on their abusers, and it aims to mitigate the financial hardships they face due to domestic violence.

Maintenance under the Domestic Violence Act may cover various aspects, including:

Loss of earnings:
If domestic violence has compromised the victim’s ability to earn, furthermore, the Act provides for compensation.

Medical expenses:
Furthermore, it includes any expenses related to medical treatment, encompassing physical and psychological injuries caused by violence.

Property damage:
If property owned or shared by the victim has been damaged or destroyed during an act of Domesticabuse/violence. The Act allows for compensation.

Maintenance for children:
Additionally, the Act ensures that children do not go without financial support & can include provisions for their maintenance as well.


The “Protection of Women against D V Act, 2005” is a pivotal part of India’s fight against domesticviolence. It not only offers protection to women but also addresses their financial well-being by providing avenues for monetary relief and maintenance. This comprehensive legislation conveys a clear message that not only society will not tolerate domestic violence and that survivors possess legal rights and remedies at their disposal.

3 responses to “Domestic Violence: Empowering Women & Maintenance Provisions”

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